Alumna Spotlight: Brittany Hymer
Many of you will know Brittany as a founding member of Borderlands Ballet Company and long time student at the Academy of Ballet. She originated the role of the femme fatale, Faye L'Amour, in the BBC's original one act ballet Cafe Noir.
Since then, Brittany has moved on to pursue her career in the highly regarded dance program at Oklahoma City University. We thought everyone here might enjoy catching up with her.

BBC: How is life in the OCU dance program?
Brittany: OCU is such a great program. It has actually been ranked #1 in the nation by Onstageblog! I love the emphasis here on musical theatre and all of the opportunities it provides. More than anything, I love what I have to look forward to when I graduate!
BBC: How do you think Borderlands helped now that you are in a high powered dance program?
Brittany: Borderlands gave me the chance to express my artistic voice which I will carry with me as I continue my journey. Not only did my technique grow with the company, but I got to dig deeper into what it means to perform.
I’d like to add that the ballet emphasis gets these young dancers a step ahead when auditioning. Thank you Borderlands!
BBC: That's great! What are your future plans?
Brittany: I would like to graduate with a Dance Management degree and go on to perform with a cruise line!